GOP lawmakers seek malpractice suit cap

Illinois’ Bloomington Pantagraph
Wednesday, February 2, 2005

Republican leaders joined hospital representatives, physicians and insurance executives in introducing legislation Tuesday aimed at reforming Illinois' medical malpractice litigation system.
The focus of the package, pushed by the Illinois State Medical Society and its physician-owned insurance company, is a $250,000 cap on damages for pain and suffering caused by doctors.

Amber Hard, staff director with the nonprofit Center for Justice and Democracy, said insurance companies need to open up their books and disclose to legislators why their rates have skyrocketed.
"They say that a broke litigation system and skyrocketing malpractice rates have led doctors to flee the state of Illinois," she said. "Their proposal, though, will do little to lower these malpractice rates and keep doctors here. What it will do is devastate victims and families of medical malpractice."
For a copy of the complete article, contact CJ&D

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